
Tower Bells

Our bellringers are led by Jenny and Sara Freeman, and a team is available to ring bells for Saturday weddings held at St Stephen's. We have a peal of 8 bells, with the tenor weighing 10–3–12 (1216 lb or 552 kg) in the key of A♭ (832.0 Hz). Current bell ringing times are before Sunday morning services and Monday evening practices.

If you would like to know more or are interested in becoming a ringer please contact us.

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We are praying tenaciously for a revival of Christian faith in Redditch and beyond.

Conversations started back in March 2023 that place St Stephen’s Redditch at the centre of a regional strategy for renewal in the Anglican church. The rubber is hitting the road now and so beginning in autumn 2024 we’re going to experience some flux.