Social Transformation

Human flourishing.

‘For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ – Matthew 25:25-36

The church has been at the forefront of social transformation for centuries, championing healthcare, education, and looking after people in need. God’s mission is the renewal of all things, and it begins in the here-and-now. Jesus expects the radical love of the church to flow out into the streets. How we love our neighbours and our communities is a sign of our love for the Lord Jesus. Matthew 25 gives us a helpful structure for how we can bring about Kingdom-shaped social transformation in our local communities, and as the Renewal Project develops, we will be seeking to minister into these areas:

/ Nourishment: Providing for those who are hungry and thirsty.

/ Companionship: Becoming a place of hospitality for the stranger.

/ Dignity: Supplying clothing for those who are without.

/ Health: Caring for those who are unwell.

/ Hope: Ministering to those in prison.

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We are praying tenaciously for a revival of Christian faith in Redditch and beyond.

Conversations started back in March 2023 that place St Stephen’s Redditch at the centre of a regional strategy for renewal in the Anglican church. The rubber is hitting the road now and so beginning in autumn 2024 we’re going to experience some flux.